
Adopt Ember


Ember's approximate date of birth is August 29, 2023. She is spayed and vaccinated. She tested negative for FIV/Felv and she has a registered microchip. Her adoption fee is $250.00 + tax. (Sky and Ember must be adopted together) Ember: Welcome to The Purrfect Match! Where we bring cats and humans together, forever! I am your host and today we will be meeting the Beautiful Ember. 1. What are you most looking for in an adopter? I am looking for someone who will love me unconditionally forever and give me a ton of pets and head scratches! I love giving and receiving affection and will purr and knead sometimes with just a look. 2. What do you think is important for a healthy human cat relationship? I think trust is very important both ways. I need to trust that a human will forever provide safety, love, toys, comfort, and a trip to the doctor if I ever don't feel good. My human can trust me to be kind and comforting when they need it too. 3. What is the best gift you've ever received? I would say my foster mama bringing me indoors from the scary outdoors. Also my mouse toys. I love those things. 4. Are you more of an introvert or extrovert? I would say I am 90% extroverted because everyone needs a little alone time every now and then. Sometimes if there is a loud noise or unpredicted movement I will be scared for a few seconds, but I bounce back quickly. 5. Do you have any pet peeves? When a human picks me up unexpectedly and forcefully. It scares me and then I look like a crazy cat when I react. I don't mind being picked up, I just want to know when it's happening. 6. How do you prefer to relax in your free time? I enjoy taking naps with Sky, laying on a window shelf, and making biscuits. 7. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Both. I can be awake and alert with my human in the morning in no time, but sometimes I also enjoy kicking around my mouse toys and chasing a ball at midnight. I don't do it for long though because I know everyone is sleeping. 8. Is there anything you are scared of? The outdoors and unpredictable things like loud noises and movements. 9. If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring with you? Unlimited canned food, I love that stuff! My sister Sky and my mouse toys. 10. Would you relocate for the perfect adopter? Absolutely! My foster mama lives in the middle of nowhere and she said she is willing to give me a ride anywhere for the perfect human. 11. What is your most favorite food? Any canned food really, but I especially like chicken and tuna. 12. How much alone time do you typically need? Not much, I love being around humans and getting pets. Every now and then I will snuggle with Sky when she needs alone time just to be loving and supportive. 13. Have you ever lived with another cat or a dog? Yes. I was born outside and lived with a handful of other big cats and also my family. I like living with other cats, especially my sister Sky. My foster mama introduced me to a dog and he was big but nice, and I think I could live with a dog as long as they are nice. 14. Who is your best friend and why are they your best friend? My best friend is my sister Sky. She is my best friend because she plays with me, comforts me and snuggles with me. We have always been there for each other and I think we would be lost without each other. 15. What is a non-negotiable that you need in an adopter? I need my human to be my forever human. I never want to live outside ever again and I have heard how scary shelters are, I never want to go there. I also need my human to understand that I may be a little scared when I move in at first, but I promise as soon as we establish trust I will be their best friend! 16. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? I am a good girl and promise you won't be disappointed if you adopt me! I always use the bathroom box, keep my fur clean and pretty, and don't scratch furniture and only use my scratchers. I am a biscuit making queen and love it so much I will knead anything, even the floor! I love my foster mama and being indoors and am so ready to find my forever home! *If you would be interested in meeting a Saving Tails Animal Rescue pet or being considered for an adoption, please complete an adoption application at savingtails.org. Saving Tails Animal Rescue (STAR) is a 501(c)3 registered no-kill, non profit animal rescue. All animals are placed in loving foster homes until their forever family finds them. Because there is not a physical shelter location, foster homes are needed to help rescue local animals who are in danger of euthanasia. If you would be interested in fostering an animal in need, please complete a foster application at savingtails.org.