
Izzy is no longer available.


Izzy's approximate birthdate is January 01, 2019. She is spayed, vaccinated, and she has tested negative for FIV/FELV. She also has a registered microchip. Her adoption fee is $200.00 + tax. Izzy is a stunning beauty with sleek black fur and mesmerizing orange eyes! She is the sweetest little thing who enjoys nothing more than cuddling in laps. Yep, if you love to binge watch.... this is your girl! She even has a cute way of drooling when she is super excited or happy. Guess she just forgets to swallow! She is a great girl and is going to make a fabulous companion to her new forever family. If you are interested in a Saving Tails Animal Rescue pet or being considered for an adoption, please complete an adoption application at savingtails.org Saving Tails Animal Rescue (STAR) is a 501(c)3 registered no-kill, non profit animal rescue. All animals are placed in loving foster homes until their forever family finds them. Because there is not a physical shelter location, foster homes are needed to help rescue local animals who are in danger of euthanasia. If you would be interested in fostering an animal in need, please complete a foster application at savingtails.net