
Bella is no longer available.


Bella's approximate date of birth is March 17, 2020. She is vaccinated, spayed and she has tested negative for FIV/Felv. Her adoption fee is $225.00 + tax. Bella is an independent little girl. While she does enjoy human interaction and affection, she prefers it be on her terms. That may change once she is in her forever home and settled in. Her favorite is chin rubs! Most days you can find her sleeping in a cardboard box or watching birds out the window. She really enjoys chasing the laser dot and playing with chirpy mice. She is very sweet but can be a little timid and prefers watching from a distance until she feels comfortable enough to approach. Once she trusts you, she will let you cradle her like a baby while getting pets. While in rescue, Bella has been good with other cats but she initially was scared of dogs. If you would be interested in meeting a Saving Tails Animal Rescue pet or being considered for an adoption, please complete an adoption application at Saving Tails Animal Rescue (STAR) is a 501(c)3 registered no-kill, non profit animal rescue. All animals are placed in loving foster homes until their forever family finds them. Because there is not a physical shelter location, foster homes are needed to help rescue local animals who are in danger of euthanasia. If you would be interested in fostering an animal in need, please complete a foster application at