Whimsey's estimated birthdate is February 21, 2019. Whimsey has been spayed , vaccinated, and she has tested negative for FIV/FELV. She also has a registered microchip. Her adoption fee is $225.00 + tax. Whimsey is a fantastic girl with beautiful calico markings. She is a curious, but watchful girl who enjoys spending time watching the outdoors in the sun of a window. She is a calm and sweet girl who can be cuddly and loves to give head butts for attention. While in rescue Whimsey has not spent time with other adult cats, dogs or children. She is a calm girl though, so likely would not enjoy interactions with more active pets or children. A home that is more calm and relaxed would be the best match for her. She is just a sweet girl looking for her new forever family to call her own. *If you are interested in meeting or adopting an available STAR pet please complete an adoption application at savingtails.org Saving Tails Animal Rescue (STAR) is a 501(c)3 registered no-kill, non profit animal rescue. All animals are placed in loving foster homes until their forever family finds them. Because there is not a physical shelter location, foster homes are needed to help rescue local animals who are in danger of euthanasia. If you would be interested in fostering an animal in need, please complete a foster application at savingtails.org